Hi, my name is Linh Doan
I'm an AI Developer.

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Hi there, I'm Linh Doan, a dedicated and experienced AI engineer specializing in developing cutting-edge artificial intelligence solutions. With a strong background in machine learning, deep learning, and data analysis, I have a passion for leveraging AI to solve complex problems and drive innovation.

My expertise lies in developing and training neural networks, implementing computer vision and natural language processing algorithms, and working with large datasets. I am excited to apply my expertise and contribute to projects that push the boundaries of AI technology and drive real-world impact.

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EKYC System

The eKYC project aimed to address the challenges associated with customer identification and verification processes. By leveraging advanced technologies, including document scanning, facial recognition, and data extraction, the system streamlined the verification procedures, reducing processing time and enhancing accuracy. Implemented with a robust system architecture, the eKYC solution integrated various components and third-party identity verification services. The project yielded tangible results, including improved efficiency, compliance with regulatory requirements, and enhanced data security measures.

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Sony Speculum Project

This project aimed to develop an accurate and real-time system for estimating human poses in images/videos. Through the use of deep learning techniques and computer vision algorithms, the system achieved high accuracy and robustness in detecting key body joints and skeletal structures. This project showcased my expertise in computer vision, deep learning, and algorithm development, emphasizing ability to solve complex problems and deliver practical solutions in the field of pose estimation.

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Face Mask Detection

This project highlighted on developing an intelligent system to detect whether individuals were wearing face masks in real-time video streams integrated on Raspberry Pi 3. Leveraging computer vision techniques and deep learning models, the system analyzed facial regions and accurately identified whether a mask was present or absent. By training convolutional neural networks on datasets of masked and unmasked faces, the system achieved high accuracy in real-world scenarios. The project demonstrated the proficiency in computer vision, deep learning, and algorithm development, showcasing my ability to address important challenges in public health and safety through innovative technology solutions.

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